Mother Meera offers the Divine Light worldwide. Regardless of whether we attend Her Darshan in Balduinstein or we are at the other end of the world, we can receive Her blessing everywhere. It is helpful to open our hearts in prayer or in meditation and concentrate our thoughts upon the Divine.
Many people write letters, send a fax or make a note in one of the guest books in the Darshan hall’s lobby. In these writings, people’s distress and desperation are expressed, but also their hope and confidence. With their full trust and devotion, they turn to the Mother, deeply feeling joy and gratitude, when they do recognize and experience the Divine help.
Mother Meera’s help happens indirectly, in the midst of everyday life: perhaps in a revealing encounter, perhaps through a suitable comment at the next table or in a seemingly random event. One might read a text passage that contains a message, or a solution is revealed within ones inner being. The opportunity to get answers to personal questions by Adilakshmi on the phone no longer exists. Examples of how Mother Meera helps all, whether close or further away, can be found in this collection of letters from the years 2000 to 2004. These are texts that reflect the personal views of the writer. The details were not checked by the publisher, but only anonymized.
As different as the texts might be, all of them express blissful gratitude from the depths of the hearts.
ISBN 978-3-940881-35-9